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Bayesian Fatigue essay
To My Boys: I wrote a piece, now published in NEJM, about the unique stress of practicing medicine when best practices and core knowledge...
The Lift
To My Boys What happens when you are competing against someone who has it easier in a competition? In sports, injuries, home field...
Type I and II Equilibria and Racism
To my boys: Are there too many malpractice lawsuits or not enough of them? Most physician organizations would say there are too many, and...
(Acute on Chronic) on (Chronic on Acute)
To my boys: One of the more underrated skills learned during medical school and residency is that of producing "one-liners". Not to be...
Functional Empathy
To my boys: When I was in medical school, we had a course entitled "Doctoring". Our class was broken up into small groups and in weekly...
The Last Train out of Town
The next true leader of the party will be one of three people, someone who fought/dominated Trump, someone not at all on the scene right...
Tit for Tat piece published in The Bulwark
I love The Bulwark. For those of you who are not aware of it, it is a kind of journalistic refuge for conservative writers/thinkers who...
This blog is a place where I will be posting thoughts on a variety of topics that fall outside of my published research and writing.
The GOP's "Mayor on the Pipe"
Chris Rock in his first album had a great bit talking about former Washington D.C. Mayor Marion Berry, who famously was re-elected after...
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